Village Sermons (3) - Thomas Guthrie at Arbirlot

Mr. Dick, now resident in Edinburgh, a parishioner of Mr. Gutlrie's during his whole Arbirlot ministry, thus writes

"Mr. Guthrie's future popularity as a preacher was indicated at the very outset. I recollect the first text he preached from at Arbirlot -
1 Thess. v. 28: ‘And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly.
I was too young to recollect much of the sermon, but I remember this - the name of Christ seemed, as it were, ringing in my ears. It was the golden thread that bound all the sermon together. The text of his first "Action Sermon," before dispensing the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, was Matt. x. 32, 38; and in connection with this, I feel called upon to give my humble testimony to the faithfulness which was manifested by my pastor in admitting me, a few years afterwards, to the Table of the Lord.
I remember how, after repeated examination of all the young communicants together, we were taken . aside, one by one, at the last interview, and very seriously and faithfully addressed upon the important step about to be taken, before giving us our ‘tokens of admission to that" sealing ordinance.

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