Letter 3 to Mrs.Henderson

On the 13th May 1863 he wrote to Mrs. Henderson

"Fancy our position to-day. I am absolutely reduced to the miserable bachelor life I used to live of old. All the girls are at Logiealmond. I wish I was there. The east wind here is horrible. The weather there is, as James reports it, delightful. Well, from exposure to the east wind, mamma chose, in our present crippled and helpless state, to have a horrid attack of neuralgia, or tic in her face. She went to bed groaning under it last night. This morning I had to leave her sleeping, and, with the help of Margaret, get breakfast as well as I could for myself and Jack. Mamma got better, under Mr. Bell's treatment, and came down to dinner. But she lay down on the sofa immediately after, and is lying there still. And I had to be tea maker. Just think of that! I don't think I have been in such a predicament since 1830, Is it not dreadful? You must come back."

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