Giant of the Bible


Introduction to "Bowman's Notes"
on the Epistle to the Ephesians

Bowman's Notes--Studies in the Pauline Epistles"The truth so often left out of current teaching is that Jesus, the Man who lived, died, and was raised from the grave by the Father, is now at the Father's right hand and we (every individual believer) are now irreversibly joined to Him where He is!" Conrad Bowman 11858 Westmere Houston, TX 77077 (713) 493-4844 July 1993 (Rev. September 4, 2000}EPHESIANS
Please allow me to take just a few minutes and explain several things before you begin your journey through this book. I claim no grand talent or special understanding regarding the things that are commented on in these pages. Anything that I know, I have learned from others and it is mostly their thoughts, now contaminated by my own understandings, which I attempt to share with you. At 592, I am acutely aware that my life is a composite of impressions, both good and bad, made on me by circumstances to which God in His infinitely complex plan has chosen to subject me. It is clear to me that every event was for my benefit and personal enlightenment and all results, I am certain, will redound to His Glory. As with other brief commentaries in this series, the outline is based largely upon F. W. Grant's Numerical Bible.
In that work, Samuel Rideout and Grant identified a specific order in which information was apparently arranged in the text of each book of the Bible. That divine intention became obvious to them in the course of their studies and, since the common sense of it is so simple, the structure they identified has come to be truth to me as well. I am profoundly grateful to God for having brought their work into my path. Their conclusion is that the structure and organization of the Bible is an easily overlooked primary key to our understanding its messages. For example, it really helps us get a grip on the application of Biblical principles specific to the Church, if we concentrate on the Pauline Epistles. These letters of Paulare our instructionsfor living as Grace-Age Believers. The indices, which Grant and Rideout inserted, appear as marginal and outline notes in The Numerical Bible, currently available from Loizeaux Brothers Publishers. Those notes can be enormously helpful in your personal Bible studies as they increase your ability to follow the flow of doctrinal information. You want it as it was received by first generation Christians from divinely inspired authors of the letters and accounts now compiled as The Bible. Please note: This study is by no means intended as an exercise in numerology. It is an examination of God's written message to man in light of what many men, F.W. Grant and Samuel Rideout included, found throughout the text of the Bible. They noted a consistent flow (1) in the presentation of principles and (2) in the revelation of God's work in man. Both are too systematic to be coincidental. Every student of scripture is encouraged to consider this observation carefully and in much greater detail than is presented here, by using the fuller treatment given in The Numerical Bible. You will find an extensive commentary contained in those eight volumes - a rich and rewarding resource and a very cogent exercise in discovering a dispensational interpretation of Scripture.
2 November 22,1993
published by Loizeaux Brothers, copyright 1901 and printed in 1978 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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