Giant of the Bible



CHAP. I. The Need to be Met .
II. The Last Adam and the New Creation
III. The Seed of the Woman. (Gen. iii. 15.)
IV. The Ark and the Altar. (Gen. vi. 14-viii. 22.)
V. The Offering of Isaac. (Gen. xxii.)
VI. The Passover and the Sea. (Ex. xii. 14.)
VII. The Tabernacle-Service. (Ex. xxv.-xxx.)
VIII. The Burnt-Offering. (Lev. i.)
IX. The Peace-Offering
X. The Sin-Offering. (Lev. iv. - v. 13.)
XI. The Trespass-Offering
XII. The Two Birds. (Lev. xiv. 1-7; 49-53.)
XIII. The Day of Atonement
XIV. The Red Heifer. (Num. xix.)
XV. Prophetic Testimony. (Isa. vi.; lii. 13-1iii.)
XVI. The Testimony of the Psalms
XVII. Atonement in the New Testament The Gospels
XVIII. Romans and Galatians
XIX. Colossians, Ephesians, 2 Corinthians
XX. Hebrews
XXI. The other Apostolic Writings
XXII. What Christ Suffered in Atonement
XXIII. The Penalty in its Inner Meaning
XXIV. Redemption and Atonement
XXV. Resurrection the Sign of Complete Atonement
XXVI. Union and Identification with Christ
XXVII. God Glorified and Glorifying Himself .

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